Neck lift A double chin gives the face an aged and puffy appearance. There are two reasons why a double chin can develop: excess skin and/or excess fat on the neck. Age and weight gain are the two most common causes of a double chin. If there is sagging skin and neck muscles, skin removal is necessary. If there is just excess fat on the neck, liposuction is indicated. Sometimes it is necessary to combine the two techniques. A neck lift with skin removal or liposuction can significantly improve the appearance of the face. Procedural facts Anaesthesia:local anaesthesia. Sedation or general anesthesia on request.Duration:approx. 2 hours.Treatment:OutpatientWork:Depends on the activitySport:After 6 weeks.Aftercare:Wearing a compression splint around the neck for 2 weeks. Prophylactic antibiotic for 3 days.Risks:Local swelling, bruising, infection, induration, hematoma, asymmetry.Costs:We will be happy to make you a non-binding offer. Please fill out the contact form or give us a call. General information What happens during the aging process? The skin relaxes, as do the muscles and ligaments. The neck gives an appearance that makes you look older than you are. If you show significant signs of aging in the neck area, such as a "turkey neck", flabby skin with prominent Platysma muscle, a complete neck lift is indicated. In this case, an incision is made directly in the neck or behind the ears. If you are young, have elastic skin and only have a localized fat accumulation, the procedure to be performed is a liposuction. It is often necessary to combine both procedures at the same time. Treatment procedureAt the Bellefontaine Clinic Before the procedure During the first consultation we make sure that a neck lift is beneficial for you. For this purpose we clarify questions about your general health. We measure the various skin parameters and analyse whether other areas such as cheeks, forehead, eyebrows or eyelids also need to be corrected. The procedure and the consequences of the operation are discussed in detail. Smoking should ideally be stopped 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after the surgery. Certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and certain vitamin B supplements, must also be discontinued 3 weeks prior to the procedure. You will receive detailed instructions from us before the operation. During the procedure On the day of the operation we take photos of the face in a standing position. An experienced anaesthetist will inform you of the planned general anaesthetic if you have chosen this type of anaesthetic. If there is loose skin and muscle in the neck area, incisions will be made in the neck and/or behind the ears. Excess skin and fatty tissue are carefully removed. The tissue and skin are then repositioned and sutured. If there is excess fat without excess skin in the neck area, liposuction is performed. Liposuction is performed under and over a muscle called the platysma. In young patients (up to about 35-40 years of age), liposuction is sufficient in most cases. In older patients, a combination of neck lift and liposuction is often performed. At the end of the operation, a special neck bandage with compression is applied. After the procedure Immediately after the operation you will wear a compression bandage around your neck. After the operation you will need to take antibiotics for 4 days. You should rest for fourteen days after the operation. The stitches will be removed after two weeks. Unpleasant side effects such as tightness, swelling and bruising usually disappear after 10 to 14 days. Light physical activities can be resumed after only a few days. After 6 weeks you can resume sports. In order to make the scar as invisible as possible, scar treatment should be started three weeks after the operation. Special scar ointments are suitable for this purpose, which should be applied to the corresponding areas three times a day. Massage promotes the absorption of the cream. As long as the scar is red or pink, you should protect it from the sun. Risks and side effects In principle, every operation involves certain risks - for example, infections or haematomas. The sensitivity of the skin to touch may also be reduced after the operation. After the operation, bruising, redness and slight swelling often occur. Sometimes, under mechanical stress, healing may be impaired, healing may be impaired, and asymmetry may occur. Nerve or vascular damage is rare. If smokers do not significantly or completely limit their nicotine consumption, scarring problems may occur. Contact Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment? You can write us your request via our contact form or call us on +41 21 601 33 33. We look forward to your visit! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. 5/5 - (4 votes)