Lower blepharoplasty

As we age, the muscles, skin, and structures supporting the skin of the lower eyelid slacken. This cause, the lower eyelid to sag, and it is not uncommon for eyebags to develop, especially in the morning. No matter how fit you feel, a person with a sagging lower eyelid is perceived as tired. Thanks to lower blepharoplasty (lower eyelid lift), it is possible to reduce the consequences of the loss of elasticity of the skin on the eyelids and bring a new freshness to your eyes.

Procedural facts

Anaesthesia:Local anaesthesia. Sedation or general anaesthesia on request.
Duration:60 to 90 minutes.
Work:Depends on the activity
Sport:After 3 weeks.
Aftercare:Wear sunglasses for the first two weeks, coldpack 5 days, no ointment and make- up for the first two weeks, apricot-based ointment from 3 weeks on the scar.
Risks:Local swelling, bruising, infection, haematoma, asymmetry, ectropion. Costs: We would be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer. Please fill out the contact form or call us.
Coûts:Nous vous soumettons volontiers une offre sans engagement. Veuillez remplir le formulaire de contact ou appelez-nous.

General information

In some people, the skin, muscles and supporting tissues of the lower eyelid already sag at a young age. Sometimes there is a family predisposition to this problem. If this is the case, bags form on the lower eyelids. This is due to fat bags that put pressure on the sagging tissue. This swelling is mainly present on waking up. Stress and lack of sleep can accentuate the problem. During this procedure, we remove the annoying fat and tighten the loose structures of the lower eyelid. After a lower eyelid lift (lower blepharoplasty), the eyes look fresh and rested again. The lower eyelid lift is often combined with the upper eyelid lift.

Vorher nachher

Treatment procedure
At the Bellefontaine Clinic

Before the procedure

During the first consultation, we make sure that the lower blepharoplasty is a treatment that will meet your expectations. To this end, we clarify questions about the general state of health, measure excess skin, skin tone and the presence of fat bags on the lower eyelids. We inform you about outpatient surgery, discuss the additional examinations required for the operation, explain the forms of anaesthesia that can be used and give an overview of the various stages of the healing process. In order not to endanger the wound healing process it is strongly recommended that you do not smoke for about 14 days before and after the operation.

During the procedure

Prior to the procedure, we carefully plan and mark the excess skin and fatty sac of the lower eyelids. We also carry out photographic documentation. As a rule, the operation is performed under local anaesthesia, if desired also under general anaesthesia. Afterwards, the excess skin and fat is removed with great precision. Extremely fine and continuous stitches are used for suturing, which sink into the skin and are therefore not visible (intracutaneous). If you suffer from severe skin elasticity of the lower eyelid, the lateral angle of the eyelids must be stabilised and the muscles and ligaments involved are attached to the periosteum of the eye socket.

After the procedure

During the healing phase, you will need to wear sunglasses to avoid tiring your eyes. The eye area must be cooled after the operation with coldpacks to reduce bruising and swelling. Swelling around the eyes and bruising will disappear spontaneously in 1 to 2 weeks. You should refrain from sports for 3 weeks. It is also not recommended to wear contact lenses. When you return home, you will need to use a higher, well-padded pillow and avoid creams and ointments around the eyelids for the first two weeks after the operation. The first check-up, including the removal of stitches, usually takes place 5 to 7 days after the operation. It is advisable to massage the scar with an apricot-based ointment 2 weeks after removal of the stitches.

Risks and side effects

If the eyes are slightly dry immediately after the operation, this is a completely normal sensation. This feeling disappears after a few days. Bruising and swelling occur regularly, but usually disappear within 1 to 2 weeks. The appearance of milium grains is common after the operation on the scars. These small nodules usually disappear in the following weeks without treatment. These small nodules usually disappear within a few weeks without treatment. Infections and haematomas are very rare. If an asymmetry persists after 6 months, it can be corrected. Other risks are watery eyes and a bad position of the eyelids (ectropion).


Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment? You can write us your request via our contact form or call us on +41 21 601 33 33. We look forward to your visit!

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