Mole We all have at least one mole on our body. They can be present from birth or even occur during life. Usually moles are harmless, but they can change and, in the worst case, lead to skin cancer. Mole removal is also a quick and highly effective procedure with no cancer risk, which any patient would like removed purely for aesthetic reasons. Procedural facts Anaesthesia:Local anaesthesia.Length:20 minutes to an hour.Work:Depending on the activity.Sports:After 3 weeks.Aftercare:No sun, or sunscreen UV 50+ as long as the scar is red.Beauty spot:Scar massaged with a specific scar ointment, silicone patches and an optional compressive bandage 3 weeks after the operation.Risks:Infections, swelling, local bruising, sensory disturbances, pathological scars, recurrence. General information In Cindy Crawford's case, it became a personal mark: a mole on her left cheek. Some moles are present from birth, others occur during life. Several factors can influence the presence of moles throughout life: hormonal fluctuations, genetic predisposition, UV radiation and a weakened immune system. If the size, shape or colour of a mole changes, it may be the first signs of an emerging disease such as skin cancer. Patients who have a lot of nevi are particularly at risk. Benign or malignant - the A-B-C-D-E rule allows for an initial assessment: A Asymmetry: The nevus is irregular, i.e. neither round nor oval. B Border: The edge is irregular. C Colour: Colouring has changed. D Diameter: It is greater than 5 mm. E Evolution: The nevus begins to bleed or scratch. The removal of a mole may be desired for purely aesthetic or medical reasons. While small moles can usually be easily removed within minutes under local anaesthesia, larger birthmarks, especially on the face, should be excised by an FMH specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Treatment procedureAt the Bellefontaine Clinic Before the procedure The patient's health issues are first clarified. The entire skin and moles will be examined from head to toe. It is discussed and drawn, which moles exactly need to be removed. Together, we decide which closure procedure will give you the best possible "aesthetic" result. The decision depends on the age, type, colour, quality, area and elasticity of the skin. In order not to endanger the wound healing process after surgical correction, it is generally advisable not to smoke for about 14 days before and after the operation. During the procedure The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia. The birthmark is excised with as little tissue loss as possible. It is important that the mole is also excised sufficiently deep to avoid any recurrence. The subcutaneous tissue is specially prepared so that we can close the wound with as little tension as possible. At the end of the procedure, we apply special dressings to the wound so that the scar is as little stretched as possible. After the procedure After the excision of moles, the stitches must be removed within 7 days on the face and 14 to 21 days on the body. During this period, you should refrain from sports for at least 3 weeks. 3 weeks after the procedure, you can treat the scar with a special scar ointment, silicone patches and optionally compression bandages. You must do without the sun or use an ointment with a sun protection factor of 50 + as long as the scar is red. Risks and side effects Local swelling and bruising may occur during the first 2 weeks. Infections and hematomas are very rare. Sensory disturbances usually disappear a few weeks after the operation. A pathological scar or hypertrophic, keloid scar may sometimes appear. Contact Vous avez des questions sur la liposuccion et vous souhaitez prendre rendez-vous sur Lausanne ? Vous pouvez nous écrire votre demande via notre formulaire de contact ou nous appeler au +41 21 601 33 33. Nous nous réjouissons de votre venue! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Rate this behandlung